Week 5- MKTG 3349- AI Powered Marketing


    Artificial intelligence has had a big impact on business, especially personalized marketing. Personalized marketing is the practice of creating personalized messages to customers based on their personality. This practice is to improve customer relationships and engagement. Not all businesses can perform such interaction, but most would like to. AI has helped those companies that have high amounts of traffic by creating a personalized message for customers. Many benefits come with using AI for personalized marketing including increased sales, improved customer engagement, savings of money, and better customer service. Some challenges may include privacy concerns, implementation costs, and algorithm bias. I also believe that if some customers were to discover that these messages were from AI they might feel disregarded. (Bretzfield)

    I do not like interacting with customer service that use AI as I believe that they can only understand so much and it can lead to more issues. But according to Forbes Gerard Szatvanyi he states that "Chatbots are a great resource for businesses as it means there will be 24/7 customer service in many different languages which will attract new customers and boost customer satisfaction". AI will also be incredibly helpful with companies that need help with servers and SEO. For example if the businesses need a better understanding of who their customer is; they can ask AI to develop some research on who their users are and their demographic.

Another big topic would be predicative analytics which is the process of using current data with the combination of statistical techniques to asses what will happen in the future. A great example of this would be T.V platforms like Hulu, Netflix, and Disney who give recommendations of new shows/movie users should watch based on the previous shows/movie they have already seen. (Virtanen)

Bretzfield, Maurice. “How Ai Is Revolutionizing Personalized Marketing: Benefits and Challenges.” LinkedIn, 7 Aug. 2023, www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-ai-revolutionizing-personalized-marketing-maurice-bretzfield/.

Szatvanyi, Gerard. “Council Post: Five Ways Ai Boosts a Customer’s Experience and Satisfaction.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 8 Dec. 2023, www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2023/12/07/five-ways-ai-boosts-a-customers-experience-and-satisfaction/?sh=159579a55ba5.


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