Week 3. MKTG 3349 - Microsoft AI Course


    Generative Artificial Intelligence is a powerful tool that can create text and images. It works by recognizing patterns and structures in data and using that knowledge to generate new data. This idea helps companies to automate tasks which saves time and money and maximizes efficiency.  Another way that generative AI helps businesses is by improving customer experiences. For example, chatbots are accessible to consumers as they can be used anywhere and anytime. This item can lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. It can also develop personalized marketing strategies for different consumers and provide faster results for businesses.

    Microsoft offers a 12-course AI program that teaches both the principles and application of AI development. This program provides a comprehensive understanding of AI and allows learners to create their own generative AI startup. Each lesson includes short videos, written lessons, code examples, assignments, and additional resources. Learners can also discuss their progress with others in a Discord community. This course is incredibly beneficial; as AI becomes more popular it will be a skill demanded by different organizations. Not only is it beneficial for finding employment opportunities but it can provide a better understanding of how AI is managed and run. 


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